See What’s New in Shutterbug Portrait’s Bag!

As most of you know,  I am a total “Nikon Girl”.  I have been shooting with a Nikon D80 for almost 2 years.  It was my first introductory to “going digital” as a professional.  My last gem was a Nikon F100 (a timeless dream) film camera.  This little voice kept telling me “I really think you need a new camera. ”  This “little voice” was that of Mark Sanderson of  Mark has been helping me teach photography classes in the studio for the last 6 months.  See below for info on our next class.

Well, as most women do when a man says you should buy something… I did!  I purchased the new Nikon D700.  I will post photos taken with the D80 and D700 side-by-side so you can see the difference.  I purchased it on amazon  You can read up on the camera at  I would love to hear from other D700 owners. 

Oh, I can’t forget how stylin’ my new camera is going to look with my new My Funky Camera strap.  Check out the store  You’re gonna love the patterns!

I Now Have a “Funky Camera”!

Nothing better than ending your day with a little something special in your mailbox!!  After a very long wait, my new camera strapped arrived today.  I ordered Scrolls Blue and Brown from My Funky Camera.  I can’t wait to get in the studio tomorrow and put it on my camera!  I am a Nikon girl so I will be on the look out for a little Nikon flare to add to my strap!  Got to represent!!  I didn’t have a photo of my own… so I borrowed this one from  Go check them out!

Click to see full size image



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Los Alamitos, CA 907203782 Cerritos Ave.,• Studio By Appointment Only •
Los Alamitos, CA 907203782 Cerritos Ave.,• Studio By Appointment Only •
Kelly@shutterbugportraitstudio.com562.594.8946TOUCHGet in