Tweet Tweet! New Raffle Starts Today!

Hello all!  If you are a shutterbug-diehard (and just can’t seem to get enough) check out my Twitter.  You can find it here: While you’re there, click the follow button to be automatically entered into my weekly raffle! I will be giving away one pendant to a random follower each week!  (see blog post “Mother’s Day Gift Idea” for merchandise photo). Once you’ve won, we will discuss the wording you would like to have imprinted. I use Twitter as a fast and simple way to provide my past, present, and potential clients with new, fun, and exciting information (plus things you won’t find on here)!!!

Introductory Digital Camera Class

Introductory Digital Camera Class
Shutterbug Portrait Studio
10698 Los Alamitos Blvd
Los Alamitos, CA
Hosted by Kelly Orr and Mark Sanderson
Tuesday, April 27th
6:30 – 8:30
Take your photography to the next level.  This introductory class will cover basic camera settings, white-balance functions, understanding histograms, RAW vs. JPEG files, and much more!  These basic settings matter when getting great pictures.
May you never shoot in “Auto” again!
Helpful to bring your camera, but not necessary.
Please email ( or      
call 562.594.8946 to confirm your attendance.
Class offered to 16 years and older.

Mother’s Day Gift Idea!

Shutterbug Portraits introduces our new hand stamped jewelry line.  Hand stamped jewelry is all the rage… especially for mommies (and grandma too!).  Orders are now being taken for Mother’s Day.  Please phone our studio or send an email to place your order.



follow us on instagram@shutterbugportraits
follow us on instagram@shutterbugportraits
Kelly@shutterbugportraitstudio.com562.594.8946TOUCHGet in
weddings and engagementsSPECIALIZES INShutterbug Portraits
Los Alamitos, CA 907203782 Cerritos Ave.,• Studio By Appointment Only •
Los Alamitos, CA 907203782 Cerritos Ave.,• Studio By Appointment Only •
Kelly@shutterbugportraitstudio.com562.594.8946TOUCHGet in