It is very rare for me to use my own children in my marketing pieces or as samples on the wall in the studio. I have always stayed clear mixing them with my business. My youngest has all but demanded she go on the front window as soon as possible. Often I joke with my kids that I would put an unflattering picture in the studio window if they continued to misbehave. Great revenge (oops meant to say threat:) as the studio is walking distance to their schools and the bagel shop next door is the busiest place in town.
My oldest has asked me for days (ok, it may have been several weeks) to photograph her. I dedicated a few hours to her this past Sunday. When all was said and done, I was glad I spent the time. She is stunning. How could I resist to put her in my window. Clearly she looks way too old to be mine:)
Our next introductory DSLR classes are Tuesday, August 3rd and September 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Hope to see you in class.